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Salesforce Digital Experience Cloud 2 ---> Sharing Data with partnier

Image  In  Digital Experience Cloud data sharing is similar to Sharing in a Salesforce Org. There are 4 levels of sharing: Base level                         Open up (vertical)           Open up(lateral)     Open up (flexible)  Org-Wide Default       Role Hierarchy               Sharing Rules        Manual Sharing  1. Org-wide default:  Set up -->   sharing setting -> Default external access. usually, we set it to private.   2. Role Hierarchy:   first Set up--> digital experience --> setting --> role and user settings : number of partner roles:2.  You can choose up to 3 levels.  then user: set up partner users as user and manager.  now can log in as experiencers to the Experience cloud and the manager will see the user's records. 3.  Sharing rule There are 2 types of sharing rules for external users.  There are sharing rules and Site-Specific Sharing. For e

Salesforce Admin Certification Maintains -- String '21

 Object: 1, rich text email from flow using a Send email action 2, lists using Split View 3, opportunity amounts and close dates track for 7 days 4, Dynamic Form  Notice: Right Now Dynamic Form is not available in Experience Cloud.  Dynamic Form is an important new feature on record pages.  The general idea is that you can configure fields or sections in the Lightning App Builder.  Walkthrough the trailhead Hanks-on Challenge to help me better understand. Steps: 1.  Install a Package. Notice: there I get an error message as I need to change the Locale. steps: Avatar--> setting--> personal information---> Language & timeZone --> locale : English(United States). 2. look at the  Laptop Warranty custom object record page: what if I want to change its layout to one column.  and display Support Level only if the Active Warranty is checked?  for change two-column before we can do it in layout. and condition display can be solved in triggers or workflow. But now we can approach

Salesforce Digital Experience Cloud -- one

trailhead: video: who see what: General information:  In 2021, Community Cloud changed its name to Experience Cloud. There are 5 licenses:     Name                                                  Use Cases     External Apps :                               B2C     Customer Community:                  B2C with lots of users(pay a bill, report a missing credit card)     Customer Community Plus:          B2c B2B(access to reports and dashboards)     Partner Community:                         B2B, access to Salesforce objects such as leads,  opportunities     Channel Accounts:                          Same as Partner Community  Every site user has to be associated with an account. 2 types of accounts: persona accounts and bu

lightning web component - quick action get record Id

A Quick action can invoke an LWC on record pages.  There are two types of action: Screen & Headless.  Regarding how to create quick actions, steps are as below: 1, configuration: 2. create Quick action 3. Setup->Account->Botton,Links, and Actions->new Action-> Action Type: Lightning Web Component.   RecordId: In Headless, we can easily get recordId from invoke method.  import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc"; export default class HeadlessSimple extends LightningElement {     @api recordId     @api invoke() { console.log(this.recorId); } } However, In screen action, we can't get recordId. now mater connectCallBack() renderedCallBack(). There are severl way to get recordId. 1. using setter, getter.     _recordId;     @ api set recordId ( value ) { // get contacts this . _recordId = value ; ... }     get rcordId(){     return this._