lightning web component - quick action get record Id

A Quick action can invoke an LWC on record pages. 

There are two types of action: Screen & Headless. 

Regarding how to create quick actions, steps are as below:

1, configuration:

2. create Quick action

3. Setup->Account->Botton,Links, and Actions->new Action-> Action Type: Lightning Web Component.



In Headless, we can easily get recordId from invoke method. 

import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";

export default class HeadlessSimple extends LightningElement {

    @api recordId

    @api invoke() {

console.log(this.recorId); }


However, In screen action, we can't get recordId. now mater

connectCallBack() renderedCallBack(). There are severl way to get


1. using setter, getter.


    @api set recordId(value) {
// get contacts
this._recordId = value;

    get rcordId(){
    return this._recodId;

2. get in the renderedCallBack();

    this way, we muct use the recordId in html file. like:

<div style="display: none">{recordId}</div>

    and in js file:

isFirst = true;
renderedCallback() {
    if(this.recorId && isFirst){

    isFirst = false;

3. using CurrentPageReference to get recordId.


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